How To Make Your Employee’s Life Miserable, Based On Their Myers-Briggs Personality Type

 Clem Onojeghuo
Clem Onojeghuo

ENFP: Reject their big ideas and tell them to focus on their small, detail-oriented tasks before getting creative.

ENFJ: Leave them completely alone to sort through numbers and figures all day.

INFJ: Regularly switch up their tasks and day-to-day objectives, without warning them or giving them time to prepare.

ESFP: Assign them to a job that requires them to do the same repetitive task, day after day after day, with little human interaction.

ENTP: Micromanage everything they do, and reject any ideas they have for improvements or new initiatives.

INTP: Force them to deal directly with emotional clients all day.

ENTJ: Assign them a position that limits their autonomy. Be vague and unclear about opportunities for upward advancement.

INTJ: Interrupt their workflow with ‘surprise’ tasks that must be completed immediately, in collaboration with others.

ESTP: Refuse to let them act on anything unless they first present a detailed analysis of how it is going to play out long-term.

ISFP: Put them in a position where they are forced to ‘lay down the law’ and be strict and authoritative toward their colleagues.

INFP: Criticize their creative input and force them to stick only to conventional, laborious methods of getting things done.

ESFJ: Assign them a role that forces them to be dishonest with clients, which paints them in an unreliable light.

ISFJ: Put them in a management position that forces them to attend to a wide range of changing concerns on the fly, all of which impact the other employees, often negatively.

ISTJ: Give them vague goals and insufficient training. Then surround them with coworkers who enjoy slacking off.

ISTP: Hold them responsible for managing the emotional concerns of other employees and attending to staff morale.

ESTJ: Provide them with vague, difficult-to-measure targets and goals. Instead of giving them feedback on their results, tell them how you feel about their work performance. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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